Why, do this. 

This crazy, slightly expensive and ludicrous adventure?

There are a number of very good reasons, many of them well thought out, descriptive and even some personal. I hope to share most of them over the course of my trip through my writings, but one of the most central is this;

Generation-Y doesn't go on adventures anymore.

I want to help change that.

It's that simple.

For most people these days, there are no rough edges. An adventure is that time you missed your flight and had to use the squatting toilets for two days or when you got Bali belly & couldn't eat solid food for a while.

People in there 30's & 40's go on these round the world trips all the time. Some might argue that it's because of the money, or they have the time.  I challenge that and think that your 20's or even younger is the perfect time in your life to go on a slightly crazy, wild and a little bit dangerous of an adventure. It shouldn't take a huge pile of money either. 

I feel the current generation has lost something, in always being connected, in always being able to find the answer and never not knowing whats going to happen next. 

I want to do something just a little crazy & share it with you.
